Fumigation Service for Food Processing | Western Fumigation

Fumigation in the Food Processing Industry

Let us handle the pests. You focus on the food.

Why Western Fumigation for Your Food Processing or Storage Facility?

Fumigation can be a corrective action, a preventive control, or a supplier verification action that would be recognized by the FDA in your food safety management plan. The company you choose matters in such an important and highly regulated industry. We have the experience and the expertise, including on staff PCQI’s, Advanced SQF Practitioner, and other experts, to get it done right for you – every time.
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Our tenured, licensed, and experienced field teams take pride in their work. They are dedicated to doing it right the first time on every project. It allows us to guarantee our work every time. Let us do it for you the right way first.

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Security & Safety

Our operational standards include measures that exceed regulatory requirements. We are the only fumigation company that guards our fumigation jobs 24/7 during operations and we don’t just leave when the tent comes off. We clear the home of any pesticides and then – and only then – is the job officially done. The safety and security of our employees and customers are paramount, freeing you from having to worry about it.

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Fumigation is one of the most regulated services. We take extensive measures to ensure we are compliant with the proper permits before we treat. We know the rules and regulations and for your safety and ours, we are committed to following each requirement to the “tee.” You don’t need to concern yourself – let us handle it.

Get Your Free Inspection (800) 542-1542
  • Structural fumigation (preventive controls)
  • Inbound/Outbound container fumigation (supplier verification)
  • Industrial fogging
  • Import fumigations (foreign supplier verification)
  • Bird management

Pest prevention pre-requisites with Integrated Pest Management are always the primary step in your Food Safety Plan (FSP). When pests get out of control though, preventive control is needed. Or if Supplier Verification is needed, treatments of inbound and outbound products could be a solution. The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) has completely transformed the nation’s food safety systems by shifting the focus from responding to food-borne illness to preventing it – including those that birds can bring with them. In a zero tolerance industry like yours, you need a partner that can keep your facility pest free. From cockroaches to moths, that's Western Fumigation. We can even take care of moth infestations that have previously been difficult to manage with our Advanced Moth Treatments. Making sure pests are not in your facility is required by the cGMPs. It’s already part of the pest prevention pre-requisite, but adding fumigation as a preventive control, a corrective action, or a supplier verification step in your FSP will help to ensure that pests never breach your facility. We have the knowledge you need to help with all of it to both keep you in compliance and protect your business from costly recalls or brand damage.

Get started with a free estimate.